Monday 28 October 2013

Save and Retrive Image from SQL Database in VB.Net

This code save the image into SQL SERVER database. And retrieve image From SQL SERVER database and Display on Picture Box. If reaches on last image then again show First image

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Thursday 24 October 2013

Export Grid View Data to Excel in ASP.Net

 This Code Sample export the Gridview Data (Rows Column) to Excel Sheet On Button Click. Coding done in C#.Net. Data base is Attached with the code in App_Data Folder

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Sunday 13 October 2013

Email Send using VB.Net

This Program send an email to the given address, with given subject. You just need to Change Credentials in the Program. This is very simple program. It uses smtp of gmail. If you want to send email from another email serivce use their smpt details

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Monday 7 October 2013

Mobile and DTH Recharge Project in VB.Net

 Mobile And DTH Recharge Project in VB.Net.This Project used at mobile and DTH recharge shops. This Used MS Access as Back End. Use "maa" as USERNAME and "111" as PASSWORD.

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